Common Material Extrusion Products Produced By Screw-Type Extruders
Some typical examples of materials and products utilizing screw-type extruders successfully today would be as follows:
A wide variety of catalyst materials, including aluminas, kaolin, molecular sieves, etc., in cylindrical shapes as small as 1/16” diameter, and in some cases a rotary cutter for die face cutting is incorporated. Monolith and ring-type products can also be formed using special dies. Some pellets are also tumbled after extrusion to product spheres.
For face soap and specialty bars, the extruder is used for producing a de-aired round slug that is cut to a given weight for subsequent pressing and stamping into individual shapes.
Blackboard chalks and pastels are extruded in a large variety of shapes and sizes.
For chewing gum and bubble gum, the extruder forms a rope or rod pre-formed which is passed through a special machine for final sizing, cutting, and wrapping.
A wide variety of breakfast cereals and snack items, expanded and non-expanded, are cooked and gelatinized using a high temperature, high pressure extruder. Most of these items are “half products” and require further down-stream processing, such as drying, coating, deep-fat frying, etc.
Synthetic wax based fire logs are made up of practically any combustible material, using slack wax or petroleum as the binder. Coal with binders can also be extruded in a log, briquette, or pellet form.
Fertilizers for house plants, tree spikes, etc., is extruded in a variety of sizes and shapes.
Some pharmaceuticals are extruded into very small particles of the type found in cold capsules.
Time does not permit listing and describing the many applications. However, some others are: abrasive tumbling media, butyl sealants, mastics, caulking, pet food, yeast, rodent and roach bait, charcoal briquettes, floor tile, bricks, clay pipe, electrical porcelain insulators, toilet bowl deodorants, modeling clay, special surgical pads, some candy items, cheese, polyester and alkyd molding compounds, a variety of filter cake materials, friction products, explosives, carbon, pretzel sticks, diatomaceous earth, zirconium, EPDM rubber, natural bale rubber, and the list goes on and on. Hopefully, however, this provides some insight into the wide range of products for which screw extrusion can be considered as a possible means of processing.
There are, of course, some applications concerning particular products that cannot be discussed in detail due to confidentiality agreements with our customers.