Rubber granulators have been used for over half a century to resize rubber bales into usable chunks for downstream processing. They are designed to run for many years, which is why they’re still prominently used in rubber processing plants. The problem with rubber bale granulators is that they often require the introduction of chemical agents to do that job efficiently. Luckily, Bonnot has the solution — and we have for more than 25 years.
The Drawbacks of Rubber Bale Granulators
As we mentioned, the rubber granulator machine is a one trick pony — it resizes rubber bales into more workable chunks. However, these broken-down chunks of rubber will still require additional processing before they can be delivered to the next step. Harsh chemical agents like talc are also needed to prevent the material from clumping while the rubber granulator breaks it down. The addition of these chemicals can cause environmental problems within the facility, which create a work hazard for employees and an overall degraded product.
The Solution: Bonnot Rubber Bale Feeders
Between strict regulations and the specifications of our clients, the Bonnot Company has had plenty of opportunities to innovate in the field of hydrocolloid extrusion. The video below, in which Bonnot Vice President John Negrelli walks us through a complete extrusion system for a medical application, is a prime example: