Fire Log Extruders

Robust, Durable, High Volume Processing & Easy to Maintain

The Bonnot Company builds high volume, rugged, robust designs for producing Fire Logs and Fire Starters.

These machines are ‘brickyard’ style, built to provide years of service with minimal maintenance. Our equipment accepts a wax and wood feedstock formula directly from the mixer and creates a uniform profile and density of your desired size/shape.

Extruder Design Features

1High Torque Drive

2Robust Gear Box

3Jacketed, Grooved Barrel (optional)

4Counter Rotating Packer

5Jacketed Hopper (optional)


Wax and Sawdust

Firelogs have traditionally been produced from wax and sawdust, however recently we’ve been seeing spent coffee grains and other waste materials.

Solid Profile

Our extruders product a solid profile to keep their shape during packaging and shipping.

Trusted by the Best

Want to prove it out?

The Bonnot Company is pleased to offer FREE feasibility testing in our test facility. Come and take advantage of our comprehensive catalog of test equipment; different extruder designs, screw geometries, forming dies, temperature control options, mixers and material testing equipment.

Get in touch with us