The Bonnot Company Offers a Full Range of Control Options For Our Extrusion Systems

For basic low-cost controls, we offer discrete, dedicated variable frequency drives (VFD) and standard NEMA 1 enclosures for temperature and pressure monitoring read-outs.

We also offer PLC based, touch screen controls that are integrated with our feeders and cutters, as well as other equipment in the line. The control enclosures can be designed to meet any specified NEMA requirement. The Bonnot Company routinely designs and integrates controls that are UL certified and/or CE compliant.

Control Design Options

+ Designed and Built to Customer Specification

+ Configured with Industry Leading Commercial Components

+ Tested for Compliance with CE, UL, NEMA and Many More

range of control options available

Basic VFD

Nema Enclosure Options
Pressure / Temperature Displays
Cutter Control Integration
Available for Any Drive
Integration with Third Party Control

CO 2 Series Cooking Extruder with full PLC Controls

Here is a fully integrated system offering 5 zone temperature control, pressure and temperature monitoring in a wash down enclosure.

CE Compliant PLC Integrated System

Fully integrated extrusion system incorporating a PLC control with operator station. Integration includes temperature control units, screen changer and die.

ST 1 Series Laboratory Extruder

Our laboratory extruder comes with a standard offering PLC touchscreen controls for temperature & pressure monitoring and data capture & export.

Want to prove it out?

The Bonnot Company is pleased to offer FREE feasibility testing in our test facility. Come and take advantage of our comprehensive catalog of test equipment; different extruder designs, screw geometries, forming dies, temperature control options, mixers and material testing equipment.

Get in touch with us

Trusted by the Best

  • Post Holdings, Inc
  • The JM Smucker Co